Manhattan, Westchester
and Online
For Professionals
We teach and consult with professionals who work with parents and/or children of all ages. This includes mental health professionals, pediatricians, teachers, school administrators, clergy, camp directors, caregivers, learning specialists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, and tutors.
We provide one-on-one teaching and consultation in our office and via video. Consultation groups and workshops can take place at our office, online, or off-site at your business, school or organization.
For a list of possible topics for workshops and presentations, click here.
*This is a partial list; custom topics are also possible
Babies through Elementary School Age:
Understanding Your Baby
Parenting Toddlers
Parenting Preschoolers:For Parents of 3- to 5-Year-Olds
Building Emotional Resilience in Your Preschool Child
Setting Limits with Preschoolers
Thriving Throughout the Elementary Years
Bodies, Birds and Bees: Talking with Your Child About Sex
Resolving Conflicts With Your Kid So Everyone Wins (and loses a little…but not too much)
Helping Children Navigate Their Social World: What To Expect At This Age and How Best to Support Your Child or Resolving Conflict With Your Preschooler: The How, Why and When of Setting Limits ??
Siblings: Keeping Them Happy and Healthy
Teens and Tweens:
Trials Tribulations and Triumphs of the Tween Years
Setting Limits and Following Through: The Art of Discipline with Tweens and Teens
Fostering Communication with Your Tweens and Teens: Building Trust in the Age of Sex, Drugs and Other Scary Things
Where Did My Kid Go? How an Understanding of Adolescent Development Can Help Improve Communication with Your Middle Schooler
Preparing for the Transition to College
For Parents of Adults:
Adult Daughters and Mothers
Empty-Nesters’ Workshop
Grandparenting Today
For Parents of All Ages:
Parenting as a Couple: How To Parent More Cooperatively and Communicate More Effectively
The Social Dynamics of Girls
Helping Your Child Through Divorce
Parenting Kids Who “Don’t Fit the Mold”
Educating Your Family Caregiver About Your Child
Parenting Children with Special Needs
Transitioning Through Summer Into Fall: Holding Onto What Matters In Times of Change
Fathers’ Workshop